With the current coronavirus crisis, sports activities are cancelled until now in France. The information on the other side is still valid but for next year. Multilingual cultural meetings and events cannot take place until we are allowed to do so. Our news will then be updated.
See more here:
The dance show :

Open house day :
From Monday 16th to Friday 22th December 2020. Possibility of attending your child’s lesson, remember to bring a cushion to sit on and take off your shoes when entering the room to preserve the parquet floor.
Ticketing :
Ticket sales in the hall of the Felicia Bellanger room :
Thuesday, May 5 : 5:30pm / 7:30pm
Wednesday, May 6 : 2:00pm / 4:00pm
Wednesday, May 27 : 6:30pm / 7:45pm
Warning ! This year 4 tickets per dancer maximum. Ticketing also open 30 minutes before the start of each show.
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