Good morning
all ! I am Julie Biton, the only dance teacher of Modern Creative Dance in Haute-Goulaine and founder of this association. You will find above all theinformations concerning my professional experiences and my educational background. Don’t hesitate to consult my personal CV to learn more about me!

General introduction
Presently, I teach contemporary dance at the Amicale Laïque de Haute Goulaine. I am the educational and artistic manager of the section. Students can take 3 lessons per week Contemporary / Workshop / Classic. I also give bar lessons on the ground.
The goal is to create a show every year that brings together all of the students around a unique project. The staging, the costume creation as well as the lighting creation make sense around a theme. And the students evolve in their practice thanks to the technical lessons and the enriching experience of the stage.
Professional experiences
Pep’s danse: (Port st Père 44) 7 years teacher of Contemporary (110 students).
Crescendo School and Association of Creative Arts (Canton Geneva Switzerland, Nyon) : Substitute body expression teacher Moser elementary school in Geneva.
Anselin Institute : Contemporary dance teacher in Thionville (57) : Teaches with awakening, initiation, beginner, intermediate and adult classes advances. Experience in preparing choreographies, staging and creating costumes for school shows. (3 years).
USF Gym Dance : Contemporary teacher with students in study dance in Forbach. Organizes internships on the dynamics of movement.
Compagnie Acte / Carriole : Interventions in nursery, primary and middle schools

Artistic experiences
2012-2018: Course at 783 in Nantes and various MDLA Light training courses in 2016, “grow with dance” training 2017, swing training in 2018.
2009-2011: Geneva: Master class in flying low technique with David Zombrano. Introduction to Yoga with Cie Greffe, Cindy Van Acker and laboratory internship on the techniques of movement in duet animated by Alessandro.Cafisso, Sara Dalcorso and Luca Nava. Regular training with Genevan companies: Cie Alias, Cie Neopost Ahrrrt, Cie 7273…
Dancer performer
2004-2009: Cie La Carriole based in Sarreboug. Collective creation and tour of the show for young audiences “The hats only make their heads”: burlesque farce in the universe of a tale. Dancer performs in “Lanto” and “Taire”.
2006-2008: Cie Les Roses Blanches : Choreographer E.Hurtelle. Take part in the Luxembourg cultural capital festival 2007 with “Mignon Palace”. Creation Dance Theater of a quirky and quirky quartet
2001-2003: Cannes Jeune Ballet repertoire: C. Brumachon “Tightrope walkers”, “Suite for viols” D. Bagouet, “Annélide” by P.Combes…
1999-2001: Resumption of “So schnell” by D. Bagouet at the CNR in Nantes. Resumption of “Folie” by Claude Brumachon within the CCN of Nantes

2004-2005: Graduation of DE contemporary dance teacher at Studios of the Cours in Marseille. Regular courses With Véronique Larcher on joint freedom, anatomy / dance.
2001-2003: Cannes / Integrates the ESDC of Rosella HIGHTOWER in pre-professional class then dance at Cannes Jeune Ballet. Validates the U.V. Anatomy and History of Dance at D.E.
1995-2001: Conservatory of Nantes, Cunningham training with Anne Carrier (hourly classes arranged from 3rd to 12th grade) and continuing education at CCN Nantes Claude Brumachon / Benjamin Lamarche. Obtained the Diploma of Choreographic Study at the CNR of Nantes. DEC
2001: 1st year of DEUG History of Arts and Archeologies.
2000: Baccalaureate in Economic and Social Sciences
Full resume here : http://www.danse-moderne-creative.alhg.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/BITON-Julie-CV-Sept-2019.pdf