Contemporary dance
The contemporary dance is accessible to everyone, for beginners and experienced dancers. You can think you are no longer of age for this activity, you are afraid of being injured. We can assure you that you are not, and we invite you to read this article.

This a dance linked to it’s time but also its history. This implies a very wide opening field, this is why this dance is very diverse in its representation and form (literature, music, etc.) and focused on weight, space, time, energy, sensation.
However, the adult lessons are more “gentle” and adapted to everyone’s skills by mixing less technical but repetitive activities and choreography, with stretching, etc
Lessons for adults, Monday from 8:15 p.m to 9:30 p.m (One course available (L4)). Two performances during the gala.
Floor bar and stretching
This course is a very complete. Indeed these are floor exercises inspired by the warm-ups for the classic. These are exercises performed at the bar. With this discipline you develop, your musculature, your alignment and flexibility but without damaging your back because everything happens on the ground.
Stretching : fight the stress of everyday life by performing muscle stretching exercises, flexibility by synchronizing everything with good breathing. You have to stretch your muscles as much as possible with simple activities and exercises that focus only on one particular muscle.

Available courses : 3 Lessons (ME1, ME8, V3)
The floor bar / stretching lessons are open for all adults and also for older people. This course is mainly used to maintain its body and its flexibility, its self-confidence. Indeed it is a course of work more than creation. And this explains why the people in this course do not prepare a dance for the gala. But the creation occupies a less important part here.
Course schedule 2019-2020 :
Price of 165eur (£147), more informations here :
Dance Outfit + Fitness mat :
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